Treatment of Cerebrovascular occlusion


Cerebrovascular occlusion is a critical medical condition that requires immediate diagnosis and treatment to avoid serious complications such as stroke. In this article, we will review ways to treat blocked brain arteries, after learning about its symptoms and causes, as well as the best doctors and centers specialized in this field.

What is a cerebrovascular occlusion?
Cerebrovascular occlusive disease is a medical emergency that occurs when a blood clot or fatty substance becomes lodged in one of the arteries that supply blood to the brain. This blockage cuts off the flow of blood and oxygen to parts of the brain, which can lead to permanent brain damage or even death.

Symptoms of cerebrovascular occlusion:
Symptoms of cerebrovascular occlusion may vary depending on the extent and location of the blockage and include:
- Sudden and severe headaches: Headaches caused by blocked arteries are often severe and sudden.
- Weakness or numbness in the face or limbs: Usually on one side of the body.
- Difficulty speaking or understanding: The patient may have difficulty speaking clearly or understanding speech.
- Loss of balance: The patient may experience loss of balance or dizziness.
- Problems with vision: These include loss of vision in one or both eyes or double vision.

Causes of cerebrovascular occlusion:
Several factors can cause cerebrovascular occlusion, including:
- Atherosclerosis: The accumulation of fat and cholesterol on the walls of the arteries leads to their narrowing.
- Blood clots: Formation of blood clots that may travel to the arteries of the brain and cause blockages.
- High blood pressure: Hypertension increases the risk of blood clots forming.
- Smoking: It is one of the factors that increase the risk of blocked arteries.
- Diabetes: Elevated glucose levels in blood increases the risk of atherosclerosis and clot formation.

Treatment of cerebrovascular occlusion:
Treatments for cerebrovascular occlusion vary depending on the severity of the condition and the specific location of the blockage and include:

- Pharmacological treatment:
- Clot-dissolving drugs: Used in emergencies to break up clots and restore blood flow to the brain.
- Anticoagulants: Used to prevent the formation of new blood clots.
- Antihypertensive medications: To maintain normal blood pressure and minimize the risk of forming clots.

-Cerebrovascular occlusion surgery:
In some severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the blockage. Cerebrovascular occlusion surgery involves opening the blocked artery and restoring blood flow.

- Endovascular catheterization:
Endovascular catheterization is one of the most effective ways to treat cerebrovascular occlusion. The procedure involves inserting a tiny catheter through the femoral or brachial artery and guiding it to the site of the blockage in the brain. Special tools can break up the clot or remove the cause of the blockage, thereby widening the blocked artery to restore blood flow.

Why do we use interventional catheterization to treat blocked arteries?
- Speed of treatment: The procedure can be performed quickly, minimizing brain damage.
- High precision: Doctors can access the blocked artery with high precision and directly treat the affected area.
- Less invasive: Compared to open surgery, endovascular catheterization is a less invasive procedure.
- Better outcomes: In many cases, an endovascular catheterization can fully restore blood flow to the brain and improve the patient's neurological outcomes.

How is endovascular catheterization performed?
1. Anesthesia: The patient is usually given local anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.
2. Catheter insertion: A thin, flexible catheter is inserted through an artery in the groin or neck and guided to the blocked artery in the brain.
3. Clot removal: Using special tools, doctors remove the clot or widen the blocked artery.
4. Closing the artery: After the procedure is completed, the artery from which the catheter was inserted is closed.

What are the benefits of endovascular catheterization?
- Improve the chances of recovery: It can help restore lost brain function and improve quality of life.
- Reduced risk of complications: Compared to open surgery, endovascular catheterization carries fewer risks.
- Shorter hospital stay: The hospital stay is usually shorter after an endovascular catheterization procedure.

When should I seek medical help?
If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek medical help immediately:
- Sudden weakness in any part of the face, arm, or leg, usually on one side of the body.
- Difficulty speaking or understanding.
- Blurred vision in one or both eyes.
- Difficulty walking or loss of balance.
- Sudden severe headache.
- Loss of consciousness.

The best doctor in the treatment of cerebrovascular occlusion:
When looking for the best doctors for cerebrovascular occlusion treatment, it is advisable to consider several factors such as experience, reviews from previous patients to ensure the quality of medical care, and specializations in interventional radiology or neurosurgery.

Al Hayat Center for the treatment of cerebrovascular occlusion in Iraq:
Al Hayat Center for the treatment of cerebrovascular occlusion in Iraq is one of the leading centers in the field. The Center provides the latest medical technology and advanced equipment for the treatment of cerebrovascular occlusion. It has a team of highly specialized doctors with expertise in interventional radiology and neurosurgery.

Features of Al Hayat Center for Interventional Radiology and Neurointervention in Iraq:
- Advanced technology: The center uses the latest equipment and techniques of interventional radiology to treat cerebrovascular occlusion.
- Specialized medical team: Al Hayat Center's medical team includes the best doctors with extensive experience in the treatment of cerebral vascular malformations and the efficient use of interventional radiology for all its diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
- Comprehensive services: The center provides its patients with comprehensive services that include accurate diagnosis, immediate treatment, and ongoing post-operative care.

Tips to prevent arterial blockages:
- Maintain blood pressure at normal levels.
- Control the level of cholesterol in the blood.
- Quit smoking.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Exercise regularly.
- Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

In conclusion, 
A cerebrovascular occlusion is a serious medical condition that requires immediate and careful treatment to avoid complications. There are several ways to treat this condition, including medication, endovascular catheterization, and surgery. It is advisable to seek the best doctors and specialized medical centers to ensure you receive the best possible medical care. Al Hayat Center for cerebrovascular occlusion treatment in Iraq is one of the leading centers in this field, offering advanced medical services and a team of specialized doctors to treat this condition effectively and safely.